Strategies to create better ads | HT Brand Leadership Series

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Brand Masters

Strategies to create better ads

  • Sabyasachi Mitter
  • December 04, 2019

#HTBrandStudioLive | Too much of advertising is redundant; quality of content ceases to matter if a consumer is bombarded with ads.

“Today, advertising is very subtle, users don’t like product windows anymore,” says Sabyasachi Mitter, Founder & Managing Director, Fulcro. “More and more opportunities should be made available to let the user choose whether he wants a free ad-filled environment or a paid ad-free environment.”

He also talks about emerging trends in advertising like conversational commerce and usage of novel marketing channels like WhatsApp.

Mitter is in conversation with Zinia Bhattacharya of HT Brand Studio.

Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever FM