Guiding your customer's decision-making | HT Brand Leadership Series

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Brand Masters

Guiding your customer’s decision-making

  • Sharad Mathur
  • April 08, 2019

Many consumers find it difficult to comprehend financial products. How then do brands overcome this bottleneck?

Sharad Mathur, Head of Sales & Distribution, SBI General Insurance Company Ltd, says that it all starts with putting out enough information. And, when it comes to insurance, it is especially important to highlight what is not covered under a certain plan, so that customers can make a more informed decision.

#HTBrandMasters features CMOs, brand leaders, and marketing experts talking about topics that are setting the industry abuzz.

Hosted in partnership with DMA Asia. Radio Partner: Fever 104. Exchange partner: BSEIndia

MUSIC Courtesy: corporatemusic | makesound | JCRZ (